WoolGuard Filters

The 411 on Hood Filters

Hood filters are a key element to commercial kitchens. They not only capture and remove grease, smoke, and miscellaneous debris from getting into your kitchen’s ventilation system, but also help in lowering maintenance costs. With proper hood filter use, hood cleaning requirements may go down by up to 75% a year. Hood filters play an important role in safety and are the smart choice for successful commercial kitchens. They help with:

WoolGuard Filters
  • Healthy air quality
  • Ventilation system protection
  • Fire protection

Hoods without filters need to be regularly and properly maintained. This includes costly cleanings. Dirty hood baffles mean an unsafe kitchen environment. The typical baffle only captures about 18% of grease and requires almost daily cleaning in a high volume kitchen environment. This also means that ducts and hoods require a set maintenance cleaning schedule every 3 months or sooner to remove all the grease and debris that is not captured by the Baffle. 

Labor Savings

Hood baffle cleaning takes time…and time is money in a busy kitchen. With use of a filter, maintenance time is reduced by 5 times!  Simply remove the dirty filter and replace it with a clean one. That’s it. Instead of cleaning the baffles every 1-2 days, they may need to be quickly rinsed every couple weeks. Cleaning options are:

·       Dishwasher with gentle dishwashing soap

·       Hand wash with hot wash, soap, and a non-abrasive cleaning tool

Always ensure that harsh chemicals are avoided as that can cause a whole other set of issues for your kitchen.

Reliable Gaskets saves you money and time; Disposable and biodegradable Woolguard filters have a strong ROI. They are easy to work with and are more effective than other filters on the market. In addition to that, they are fire resistant. Save money AND reduce risk – that is a no brainer. They help capture up to 98% of kitchen grease compared to 18% with a baffle filter alone

Environmentally Friendly

WoolGuard filters are the environmentally friendly option. Check out these benefits: Biodegradable. Save 1000’s for gallons of water by reducing costly hood cleanings by 75%. Reduce chemical use as the filters do not need to be cleaned and can simply be replaced. Disposal is as simple as a toss in the trash or compost bin. 

If you are interested in replacing your baffles with best in class Woolguard Filters, please contact us today. Our team of expert technicians will help spec out a system that

  • Saves you up to $1000’s every year – ROI of 100-200% is common
  • Helps the environment
  • Reduces fire risk
  • Saves labor

What are you waiting for? Call 310-823-6633 or email [email protected] today