coil cleaning

Is Condenser Coil Cleaning Important?

coil cleaning

Unfortunately, most operators don’t know the secrets to extending the life of equipment. In this article we will focus on one critical maintenance task that is all too often ignored. Condenser coil cleaning. It’s vitally important to keep the coils of any cooling appliance as clean as possible. 80 percent of operators do nothing. No maintenance, ever. And, maybe 20 percent of them do some cleaning, but not enough.

Dirty Condenser Coil Cause Expensive Problems

Industry experts agree. Dirty coils potentially force a unit to require double the electric power to run the unit. This is no exaggeration. To put this in perspective – if you do not regularly clean your coils, a unit that should cost you $100/month to run can cost you $200. To put it another way, would you be willing to DOUBLE your current staff to service the same number of customers? Why then are most operators willing to pay much higher electricity bills than is necessary? I’ll tell you why. It is a hidden cost…but it is costing your real $$.

There’s little published data on the possible energy savings. We did find an article noting reputable third-party information at two conference presentations a couple of years ago. The author found that dirty coils increase energy use from 83 percent to 100 percent in four single and double-door commercial refrigeration/freezer units. At an electric rate of $US 0.25/KwH, the owner-operator paid an extra $440 to $1200 annually for each non cleaned appliance

Those additional costs can add up quickly. When thinking about total dollar savings from energy savings, the owner should consider that those savings directly impact the bottom line. They could equal anywhere from 20 times to 60 times the amount of gross income needed depending on the profit margin. 

Energy Saving Aren’t The Only Benefit

Energy savings aren’t the only benefit from cleaning your refrigeration coils. The appliances run much more efficiently. That drastically cuts down on emergency service calls and loss of valuable inventory because of unit malfunction. It also will extend the life of the equipment.

According to Foster Refrigerator (UK), conventional fridge/freezer condenser coil designs can suffer airflow reduction due to fouling by as much as 100 percent after being in service for only one year. Obviously, the coils need to be cleaned long before one year passes. The Food Service Technology Center goes even further and recommends coil cleanings at least once a calendar quarter to maintain adequate energy efficiency.

As far as the method of cleaning is concerned, surface brushing and vacuuming will likely miss much of the deeply-embedded clogging within the coil. We say the most effective way to clean units in greasy commercial kitchens is to use a safe degreaser. A Degreaser removes grease, dirt, and grime deep down in the coils.

Bottom Line

Clean coils will positively impact your bottom line. Give yourself the peace of mind that you are taking steps to extend the life of your equipment. For more information or to schedule an inspection, contact Reliable Gaskets and Kitchen Services at 310-823-6633 or [email protected]