Reliable Gaskets Will Donate One Dollar for Every Gasket We Sell!

Buy a Gasket, Feed Hungry Kids!

Every business has an opportunity to make a difference. At Reliable Gaskets, our goal is to provide industry leading service, quality, and price for our customers. The reason we do it is to make a difference in our world by 1) providing good, stable jobs to our employees, and 2) Donate a portion of our profits to a worthy cause.

Finding a cause we can support has been challenging. With many charitable organizations, only a small percentage of the funds collected make it to the people in need. There is also the issue of sustaining the change one hopes to make. As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Our contribution must make a lasting impact. We found an organization and cause that addresses both of these issues and we are getting behind it!

For every gasket we sell, Reliable Gaskets will donate $1.00 to the Hunger Relief Organization!

In early March 2021 I was introduced to the Hunger Relief Organization, HeRO for short.  In HeRO’s own words:

HeRO is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity that feeds and educates children in developing countries. HeRO was founded in 1992, with the goal of ending world hunger. As the years have passed, our goals have become more focused on the children of Honduras. Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the world, and its citizens are among the poorest educated.  As evidenced by success stories around the world: Prosperity and Hope Follow Education.

In 2006, HeRO began a partnership with the Honduran government. Our goal was simple: Educate the Children. Our method was elementary: We gave the Children food when they came to school. 

The program was an instant success, and attendance went through the roof. Today, HeRO operates feeding programs at seven rural schools in Honduras, and serves over 1,600 children everyday.

Our goal is to break the cycle of extreme poverty in Honduras by 2050. By initiating strict accountability standards, earning the public trust, and raising global awareness, we are confident that our goal will be achieved.

If you would like to help HeRO break the cycle of extreme poverty in Honduras, you can donate with confidence. We are proud of the fact that $0.95 of every dollar donated to HeRO, directly impacts those in need.

HeRO is a Unicef supported charity. For every dollar HeRO contributed to this cause, Unicef will match the contribution! 

What an opportunity to make a real and lasting difference. The beauty is in the simplicity – use food as an incentive to draw these kids to school for an education…and that education will provide them the opportunity to feed their future selves and future families! Brilliant!

Commercial Kitchens require regular maintenance and gasket replacement. Help make a difference while receiving the best service in the industry! Buy low cost, high quality gaskets from Reliable Gaskets. Every gasket our customers buy will help feed and educate hungry kids! 

Please, help us spread the word and make a difference in the world! Contact Us for more information