Strip Curtains

How Long is Your Walk-in Door Open?
How long is your walk-in door open while stocking a food delivery?? All that cold air escaping is dollar bills flying away. Don’t you pay the electric company enough already?? Think about it this way, on a hot summer day would you leave your home's doors and windows wide open while running the AC unit? NO! Keep the cold where it is supposed to be and install Strip Curtains today!
What Are Strip Curtains?
Strip curtains are pieces of clear flexible PVC that attach to the top frame of a Walk-in Cooler, Walk-in Freezer, Cool Room, or any other doorway that allows traffic (people and equipment) to enter and exit while helping maintain temperature when the primary door is open. They come in any length and primarily in a width of 4”, 6”, or 8”. The curtains strips overlap to provide a complete barrier to keep the cold in while allowing people to enter the area. The durable PVC material lasts long and the curtains significantly decrease the amount of cold air lost while the door is open.
Why EVERY Walk-in NEEDS Strip Curtains
Think about the blast of cold air you feel when opening a walk-in door without strip curtains. That is energy being wasted.
Benefits include:
- Reduces wear on the expensive, hard to replace mechanical items such as compressors and motors
- Minimizes frost build up on the coils
- Reduces energy consumption by preventing cold air loss. Up to 80% reduction in cold air loss compared to not having curtains.
- Helps maintain proper food temperature
- Reduces likelihood of dust, dirt, smoke and other pollutants from entering
- Keeps pests and critters out
The ROI is obvious. What other simple and relatively inexpensive investment can you make that will have the same impact?
Let's chat!
Need more information? Send us an email or drop me a line. We don’t bite!
- [email protected]
- (310) 823-6633
- Southern California