Stay At Home Order Lifted by CA Governor!!

Effective today, the stay at home order is lifted and businesses return to the tiered reopening. Here is the official notice from The State

What does this mean for your business? Check out the Blueprint for a Safer Economy for details.
In a nutshell, for most of Reliable Gaskets’ customer/partners, it means you can immediately – as of today –  resume outside dining…unless local government does not allow it.

YES!! Outdoor Dining is back!!

Outdoor Dining
Dust off those tables and chairs! Let’s get back to business!!

You know what they say, make hay when the sun shines! Opening back up outdoor dining is definitely a burst of sunshine on an industry that NEEDS it!

How long will it last this time? Will the Governor shut down restaurants again?? Who knows for sure, but, with the increased pressure from the recall campaign and more people getting vaccinated, I highly doubt outdoor dining will be shut down again.

Reliable Gaskets (formerly Gasket Guy, Inc.) is ready to help. We are the Refrigeration Gasket experts and so much more than that! We are expert problem solvers and we want to help our partners succeed. How can we help you?