Signs of a Failing Refrigerator Gasket

The refrigerator gasket is without a doubt a huge part of every kitchen. Without gaskets, the major appliances in your kitchen could not work the way they are supposed to. Ovens would leak hot air and never heat your food, and refrigerators would fail to keep things cold. Without gaskets, your food will spoil. This will cost you money, time, and sick customers. Trust me when I say that you need to get your faulty gaskets replaced right away! Here’s how you know if you have a failing gasket:

1) Visible Damage

The most obvious sign that something is wrong with your gasket is the damage you can see. Every time you open and close your fridge, the gasket is getting worn. Over time, it will get worn down to not work as well as it used to. If your fridge isn’t staying as cold as it usually is, look for tears or any signs of wear in your gasket. This might lead to a failing gasket.

2) Loose Seal

If your gasket isn’t sealing properly, it’s a dead giveaway that your gasket is at fault. Your gasket should create an airtight seal on your fridge. If you notice that the fridge isn’t sealing properly or if you notice gaps between the gasket and refrigerator frame, check that gasket out! Here, I’ll give you a hack to tell if your fridge is sealing properly: put a piece of paper or a dollar bill between the fridge and the door and close the door. Now try pulling the gasket…If you can pull the paper out easily, you won’t have that dollar bill for long! It would be wise to put it toward a new gasket. 

3) Unusual Noises

If you hear unusual noises from anywhere, it’s usually a bad sign. The same goes for the refrigerator. If you hear unusual noises coming from your fridge, it’s usually a sign that air is leaking or the fridge is using more energy to keep the temperature cold inside. If you hear whistling or hissing sounds coming from your fridge, it could mean that air is slipping past the gasket and leaking out. This will result in the fridge working harder to keep the temperature cooler since the cold air keeps leaking out. 

A couple of other signs of a failing gasket could be condensation or ice build-up in your fridge. This means that hot air has been leaking into the fridge and the gasket is not working correctly. Waiting to replace your gasket will cause more damage than good, so you should replace it right away. Any faulty gasket will create a rise in energy bills. Gaskets lower your energy bills because the fridge doesn’t need to work as hard to keep the temperature cold. So, when your gasket breaks, your bills will break along with it. Your food might go bad and worst of all…you could get the people you serve sick. Gaskets should be inspected regularly to prevent any of this from happening. 

Reliable Gaskets is the #1 Gasket service company in Southern California. We service all types of commercial kitchens, ranging from amusement parks to small-owned businesses. If you give us a call, we can custom-make and install your gasket in a matter of days. Here’s our motto: high quality, superior service, and affordable prices. You won’t regret giving us a chance to service your business!