What to do if there is Visible Damage to Your Gasket

Gaskets are so important. It’s a fear of every restaurant owner. I just hope that your fridge isn’t full of expensive cheeses and caviar. When your gasket breaks, your fridge breaks with it in a way. You won’t have to buy a new fridge most likely, but your fridge will stop doing its job. It will not be able to keep the food cold as long as the gasket does not work. So, you are going to want to fix that gasket as fast as possible. Here’s what to do if you see visible damage on your gasket:

First, identify the damage. You should observe the gasket to find out what type of gasket it is and how far the damage goes. Usually, visible damage comes in the form of cracks and tears. Every time you open the fridge door, your gasket is becoming more and more worn. Over time, cracks and tears will develop which is why it is important to get your gaskets regularly replaced. Pay closer attention to the areas where the gasket is exposed to higher temperatures or pressure because these areas are usually more affected. 

Next, examine the severity of the damage. Once you know about the damage, where it is, and what happened, try to determine how deeply it is damaged. If the damage is minor, you may not need to get it replaced. You may be able to patch or seal it up. On the other hand, major damage is where the real issue is. Major damage will prevent the gasket from doing its job and will lead to your food going back or leaks in your fridge. 

The next step is to find the cause. If you haven’t listened to any of the other steps, please listen to this one. I promise you it will save time and money in the future because knowing the cause will prevent this issue from happening again. 

The most important step is replacement! The most exciting step as well for a company like Reliable Gaskets USA because this is where we can help you fix the issue. Of course, we don’t hope that your gasket breaks. The gaskets made from Reliable Gaskets are durable and reliable, so replacements by breakage don’t happen often, but if they do, they can definitely help you. 

It always brings a heavy sigh when someone realizes that their gasket has broken. It’s annoying trust me I know, but it is easily fixed or replaced! You must get your gasket fixed as fast as possible so that your food doesn’t go bad, your customers stay happy, and your electricity bills stay under control.

Reliable Gaskets is the #1 Gasket service company in Southern California. We service all types of commercial kitchens, ranging from amusement parks to small-owned businesses. If you give us a call, we can custom-make and install your gasket in a matter of days. Here’s our motto: high quality, superior service, and affordable prices. You won’t regret giving us a chance to service your business!


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